Log your Bonus points today if you earned them…
I’m going to let you in on a secret …
All of the skills that you practiced, strengthened and developed during this challenge — accountability, daily action, community effort – can be transferred to other things in your life. How many of you did things you never thought they’d do because there were points involved? What about the tangible reward you knew was coming? For how many of you did the energy of the other challenges who had similar goals help you stick with it? Did making it all a game have anything to do with your success?
I can tell you right now, all of these elements can be carried through to anything else that you want to accomplish. Take those goals that you declared and put together a group of people who have similar goals to play a game with! Make it worth something — reward yourself for doing what you said you’d do over time. Give yourself actions you can take daily or weekly and be accountable to other people for completing them. You can have anything you want if you create a structure around it. It may take time, it may take sacrifice, but if we’ve proven anything, we’ve proven the the unmovable mountain can move with the right attitude, structure, and community.